Simple Way to Make Quick Red Cabbage Curry

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe page, If youre looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Red Cabbage Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Red Cabbage Curry

Before you jump to Red Cabbage Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Are Superfoods Actually As Good As They are Made Out To Be?.

You have become what you put within your body. If you concentrate on it, this makes sense. For example, amino acids absorbed because of eating meat can be utilized by the body in repairing muscle tissue. The same goes for all other foods, so it is important that you dine properly. Food advice tells us that the proper food can make us well and so superfoods have become part of lots of peoples diets. So what typifies being a superfood. We can really say that some foods help to increase our vitality and others do not. Antioxidants in nutritional food helps our immune system where unhealthy foods have little value and can make you fat. Superfoods, as you will have guessed, come under good fare.

Lycopene is definitely an antioxidant found in tomatoes which is why also they are considered to be superfoods. Another superfood is spinach which is rich in iron and also one of the B vitamins referred to as folate. Lutein, a nutrient found in spinach is important for eye strength as we grow older.

Superfoods are definitely worth ingesting as they offer you plenty of nutrients and health boosting vitamins that you could be otherwise not take in through your usual diet.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now lets go back to red cabbage curry recipe. You can cook red cabbage curry using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Red Cabbage Curry:

  1. Take of Red Cabbage (Can).
  2. Provide of Natural yoghourt.
  3. Get of chick peas.
  4. You need of Tandoori Curry Paste.
  5. Provide of Cashews.
  6. You need of salt, pepper, (nutmeg powder).
  7. Provide of rice.
  8. Use of lentils.
  9. Take of vegetable oil.

Instructions to make Red Cabbage Curry:

  1. Put the oil in a large frying pan, heat up and fry cashews slightly (2 min)..
  2. Meanwhile, cook the rice (15 min) and lentils (10 min) in separate pots. Salt the boiling water to taste..
  3. Add red cabbage to the cashews. Add 300 g of natural yoghourt, chickpeas and curry paste as well with occasional stirring. Season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg powder..
  4. Simmer pan on medium-high heat until the lentils are done . Stir occasionally. Drain lentils and add to the pan..
  5. Simmer pan on medium-high heat until the rice is ready. Stir occasionally. Drain rice and serve on a plate.
  6. Add pan contents and the rest of the natural yoghourt to rice..

If you find this Red Cabbage Curry recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.
